“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”—Colossians 4:6
In some areas of the world, people are asked what religion they are; however, other places may phrase the question as “What church do you go to”?  The meaning of the question is usually the same; the person asking the question wants to find out if the answer agrees with their religious beliefs.  Jesus asked questions so that people could be directed to a solution to their problem, not to the nearest temple (church or religious idea in today’s terminology).   For example, when the Scribes and Pharisees (the religious leaders of the day) asked a question they were expecting His answer to agree with their religious beliefs.  One time, they brought to Him a woman caught in adultery and asked Him what did He have to say in the matter, He said one simple statement, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”  He taught the people that religion kills; but that His message of the Gospel brings life by forgiving, healing and restoring (John 8:1-12).
I have compiled some notes to help us understand what religious looks like. I took them from a sermon preached by Dr. Daisy Osborn entitled The Rare the Ridiculous the Religious.  I trust that these will be a blessing to you as they are to me in helping to discern if we are talking religion or are we talking Christ to people.  When we lift Him up He will draw all people to Himself, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself” (John 12:32).
Religion always sees the dark side of every picture.  Religion sees the burden of society.
Religion sees the violation of a religious rule.  Instead of rejoicing with someone, religion will always find some reason or excuse to tear the person down.
Religion and God do not mix at all.
Religion and God’s love are not bed-fellows.
Jesus is the rare one.
All kinds of religion were abounding when Jesus came.  God did not see this as a handicap.
God looks at you as an individual one-to-one.  Religion groups you into a mold. 
Religion has twin attitudes—Culture and Tradition
Dr. Daisy gave an acronym for the word “religion.”
R — reserved, cautious, established
E — envious, can not stand free people in the spirit
L — lonely, ceremonious, dull, boring, long face, sober countenance, no creativity
I — intolerant, no understanding, religion can not meet you half-way
G — guilty, blocks people from seeing Jesus
I — indoctrinated, narrow minded; mind no longer has room for creative ideas
O — opinionated, force opinions on people out of fear which restricts the people
N — negative and nasty, cruel with tongue
A natural tongue does not have the ability to testify of Jesus.  An anointed tongue alone can testify of Jesus.  Where there is Jesus there is life.
Christ is revolutionary.
Jesus was a need muter.  (When you are speaking for Christ you are muting the needs and meeting the needs of the people because you are speaking life into their situation).
Religion sees imperfection.  Love looks beyond the imperfection.
I exhort you today to remember that religion always excludes, but Christ always includes.  If you have responded to people and/or situation with a religious attitude, I encourage you to repent today, ask the Father for His forgiveness, and persist in your faith to present the presence of Christ in every situation.
Prayer—Father I repent and ask You to forgive me for responding to people and situations with religious attitudes that do not represent Christ or Your kingdom.  I now understand that this is not a true representation of Christ and how You think, and I ask you to help me to respond in Christ’s love instead of religion, in Jesus Name.  Amen.