“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”—John 4:11
I remember how my friend Sudah’s face radiated with happiness when she told me that she was engaged to be married.  Her feelings of happiness, excitement and joy were contagious as she explained to me how she had met her fiancé and what their plans were.  It was wonderful to see this young woman and mother of two sons that had tragically been widowed a few years earlier, beaming with love and happiness.  
So many times we tend to think of love in human earthly terms that is connected to a sexual type of love.  But the love that Jesus expressed to humanity was not based on human emotions or ideas; He talked in terms of agape love.  The love as expressed by the heavenly Father for humanity.  Billy James Foote expressed in his song, Amazing Love the very essence of this type of agape love.
Amazing Love
Amazing love,
How can it be
That You, my King, should die for me?
Amazing love,
I know it’s true.
It’s my joy to honor You,
In all I do, I honor You.
I’m forgiven because You were forsaken,
I’m accepted, You were condemned.
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me,
Because You died and rose again.
You are my King
Jesus You are my King
Recently, I read a testimony about a man who lives in Montreal, Canada.  He loves to share about the love of Christ to whomever he can.  In his younger years he had a real zeal to evangelize.  Referring to his drive and ambition that he felt in sharing the gospel, he stated that, “I was probably obnoxious.”  Several years later he has learned to “uncomplicated” sharing the gospel.  He no longer pushes so hard to share with every person that he meets, but he has learned to be led by the Holy Spirit and to go to where He shows him to go.  He then related the following testimony:
Talking to a tow truck driver, he mentioned Jesus. 
The man asked, “Who?” 
He replied, “Jesus, God’s son.”
The tow driver asked, “God had a son?”
When the man told the tow driver that Jesus loved him so much that He died on the cross for his sins, he stated to cry, and said, “Jesus loves me that much?”
Sharing the amazing love of Christ does not have to be complicated.  We just share what is in our heart jesus!
Prayer—Father I thank You for the gift of Your amazing love.  Love gave Himself for me, so that I could be forgiven and accepted by You and now I purpose in my heart not to complicate Your message of love as I share it with others, in Jesus Name. Amen.