“O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You!”-Psalm 84:12

In a denominational church that I attended during my teenage years, we sang the song Trust and Obey, and it became one of my favorite hymns.  Trusting and obedience go hand-in-hand because trusting the Lord makes obedience easier, and obedience produces ever-increasing trust.  When the Lord calls you to a task that seems unreasonable, you have two options. You can obey Him even though you do not understand what will happen, or you can become fearful and attempt to find a way out. 
John H. Sammis (1846-1919),  wrote the hymn Trust and Obey after Daniel B. Towner (1850-1919) heard a young man share his story in an after-service testimony meeting, following Dwight L. Moody’s evangelistic meeting.   As the young man was speaking, it became clear to many that he knew little about the Bible or acceptable Christian doctrine.   His closing lines, however, spoke volumes to seasoned and new believers alike: I'm not quite sure. But I'm going to trust, and I'm going to obey.  Daniel Towner was so struck by the power of those simple words that he quickly jotted them down then delivered them to John Sammis, who developed the lyrics to Trust and Obey. Towner composed the music and the song quickly became a favorite.  It remains popular with hymn singers today.  The following is the Refrain:

Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
When the Lord calls you to a task that seems unreasonable, you have two options. You can obey Him even though you don't understand what will happen, or you can become fearful and attempt to find a way out.   Joshua chose the first option. Because he trusted the Lord, he disregarded all his military experience and adopted God's bizarre battle plan. Over the years, he had learned that the Lord is trustworthy (Joshua 6:1-5).
 The way we respond to God's challenging assignments reveals our level of commitment.  We may feel as if we are right in step with Him--until He proposes a change of direction. That's when our resistance kicks in, and with it, the realization we are not as close to Him as we thought.  At that point, our decision determines whether the Lord will be able to use us as He desires.  Because Joshua never lost his commitment, he continued to serve the Lord for the remainder of his life.
At times obedience is a struggle, as your mind runs through all the reasons God's path is illogical.  Fear dominates and your will battles to comply when everything within is screaming to run the other way.  But obedience is always the best choice, because the Lord is trustworthy and wise.
Father—I ask You to forgive me for being disobedient and the times that I have not trusted You.  Lord I ask You to help me to trust you more everyday, so that I can walk uprightly in all that I do, in Jesus Name.  Amen.