“For wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.”—Proverbs 8:11
Patrick Hruby in his article for the Washington Times newspaper, The end is near ─ for Mayan calendar myth, reported that, “A springtime poll of more than 10,000 adults in 21 countries found that 8 percent had experienced fear or anxiety over the world ending in December, with Chinese (20 percent), Russian (13 percent) and American (12 percent) respondents being most likely to agree with the statement that the Mayan calendar ‘marks the end of the world.’”  Hruby gave the following information to show how various countries are handling the doomsday that has been forecasted.

Russia, there have been runs on candles, matches, salt and torches, prompting government officials to call for calm and the nation’s deputy emergency situations minister Sergei Anikeyev to proclaim, “We don’t believe in the ‘end of the world’ fable.”
In China, the state press reports that a fringe Christian group has been predicting that “the sun will not shine and electricity will not work for three days.” Other reports say worried citizens have been purchasing mass quantities of candles and that apocalypse-themed websites peddle canned food, gas masks and fiberglass “survival pods.”
The mayor of a Brazilian mountain town, San Francisco de Paula, urged local residents to stock up on food and supplies in anticipation of the worst.
The government of Guatemala — home to the ancient Mayan city of Tikal — forecasts a record number of foreign tourists in December.
 The Turkish village of Sirince, population 600, expects up to 60,000 visitors this month; largely because New Age spiritualists believe its location has a “positive energy” that will protect the area from global catastrophe.
 Some people in America have gone so far to build underground bunkers and stock them with food and water.  According to a news report, the CEO of a company that is located in California who is producing underground bunkers is planning to fly to Texas where his underground bunker is located.  He will spend the week-end in his luxury bunker and then fly back to California for work on Monday. 
Because we live in what is called the “Information Age,” it is important to know the best way to deal with the information.  I have noticed that while there is a lot of knowledge floating around, there is not much wisdom.   Godly wisdom is the capacity to see things from the Lord’s viewpoint and respond according to scriptural principles.  You can not instantly download that ability, but you can acquire it gradually over time.
In God’s opinion, the most valuable treasure to be had is wisdom, “For wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her” (Proverbs 8:11).  As believers we need His perspective and His principles to live the Christian life—that is why acquiring wisdom is not a suggestion but a command, “Get wisdom! Get understanding!...” (Proverbs 4:5). 
People all over the world have risked their lives in a single-minded quest for treasure.  Wisdom is worth so much more than all the money or riches in the world.  In comparing the two, the Lord calls us to passionately pursue godly knowledge and discernment.
 Proverbs 8:17 personifies wisdom, “I love those who love me; and those who diligently seek me will find me.” God will see to it that believers who pursue wisdom acquire it.  Moreover, when the desire of our heart is something with lasting value, we receive a bonus—knowledge, prudence, and discretion, “I wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge and discretion(Proverbs 8:12).
The wisest man of the Bible, King Solomon, wrote that the beginning of wisdom was to acquire it, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and in all your getting get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7).
 Determine in your heart to pursue this great treasure.   As you study the Word, seek the Lord’s will, and observe His principles in action, God will pour wisdom into your mind and spirit which will help you to act in faith—not fear.
Prayer—Father I ask You to help me diligently to seek Your wisdom in all that I do, in Jesus Name.  Amen.