“God is not a man, that He should lie; hath He said,
and shall He not do it? Or hath He
spoken, and shall He not make it good.”—Numbers 23:19
I want to encourage you to gain a deeper
understanding of truth and God’s truthfulness. Our heavenly Father is truthful, faithful,
loving and all-powerful. You can base
your entire life on His promises, secure in the knowledge that He will do just
as He has said.
Did you know that the Christian’s life rests on the premise that God is
truth? God is truth itself. In Psalm 31:5, He is called the God of
truth. Jeremiah said that He is the true
God in chapter 10 verse 10. Jesus Christ
Himself is the incarnation of truth. In
John 14:6 He said, “I am the truth.” All
truth is God’s truth. God is truth,
speaks truth and defines truth. Because
the Bible is God’s word, it is the “Word of Truth.” That is why my goal is to encourage you to
read your Bible more and to help you to believe in and take advantage of the
wonderful array of promise found throughout the Word of God. You can trust everything that our Heavenly
Father has said because His Word shows Him to be truthful.
Our Scripture reading for today tells us that God does not lie and when
He speaks something He stands behind what He says. We as humans are pretty
weak-willed. Sometimes out of fear we
will make an impulsive promise, even though we know we cannot keep it. But God does not do that. For one thing, He never feels threatened or
pressured. But most importantly, the Bible
says He simply cannot lie, “That by two
immutable things, with which it is impossible for God to lie…” (Hebrews 6:18). Titus 1:2, “In hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie, promised before time.” You see God’s promises are based on His
infinite knowledge and truthfulness.
So what does it mean to be truthful?
Webster’s dictionary tells us that to be truthful means to be honest, to
be correct, and to be reliable. As a
Christian, it is important for you to understand that God is honest, He is
correct, He is truthful and reliable. We
can say it like this, you can count on him. In a world, where few things can be counted
upon—relied upon— YOU can count on him because He is truthful.
Prayer—Heavenly Father, thank You
that I can rely upon You and Your promises to me. Help me to develop my root system into You
and Your truthfulness so that when the winds of adversity blow I am able to
stand, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.