One of the great privileges of my
life was to have Dr. Daisy Osborn, as my mentor. She had the ability to greet everyone
personally, in a room, and make you feel better about yourself. Somehow you came away from this brief time
inspired, your confidence built up, and you left feeling important. She truly had the ability to inspire you in
Christ’s love.
Believers are called put Christ’s
love on display. Because the Lord is
living through us, we are equipped to impact others. Instead of trying to resonate in some
impressive way that impacts thousands of lives, why not let God use you to
reach one person at a time? You can made
a big difference with simple acts of service and kindness—a hug, a
conversation, a meal. Try “loving on”
people the way your heavenly Father shows affection for you.
Everyone matters to the Lord. At times all it takes for someone to feel His
care and compassion is a little bit of kindness from one of God’s
children. Believers have the privilege
to serve as the Father’s hands and feet on earth. It has often been said that, “God has no
hands but your hands, no feet but your feet, on the earth.” Let your light
shine into someone’s private darkness.
Let them know that they are important—significant. Inspire someone today. Your smile and encouraging word may be the
difference that they need today.
I thank You that I am important to You.
Thank You that You cared enough about me to shed Your love in my heart
today. Today I purpose to let Your love
shine through me to others, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.