“Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”—Acts
2:3 -4
Have you ever felt that you were
ready for something new? Perhaps it you
wanted to have your hair cut into a different shape, or style it differently,
maybe you wanted new clothes. I have had
people tell me that they were tired of fighting martial battles and wanted a
new wife or husband. Others have said
they wanted their children to start acting a new way. Newness has nothing to do with subject matter;
it has to do with you.
As people, we are given a free will
and God gives us the power of choice.
Adam and Eve were given the power of free will and choice. Unfortunately, they choose to believe a lie
and the spiral of death began the instant they choose to disobey what God had
spoken. He said, “Do not eat of the tree
of life.” They choose to believe that
God did not mean what He said. And it was
not long before they learned that “God said what he meant, and He meant what He
You may be reading this today and
the Holy Spirit is quickening your remembrance when God told you to do or not
to do something. What did you choose? Did you choose the way that led to life, or
did the pathway lead to struggle and eventual death. You see death happens when Satan squeezes the
life out because of wrong choices.
If you are ready for the New Wine, let’s
ask the Holy Spirit to pour out the New Wine on you today. We all need fresh starts and new
beginnings. He is ready and willing to
pour out the New Wine upon you today.
Father, I ask that You pour out Your New Wine upon me today. Give me a fresh beginning, a new start, a new
day. Help me Holy Spirit to leave all
that is old and profane behind me today. I choose to say, “This is my New
Day. This is my new Beginning.” In Jesus Name, Amen.