“Do not consider the things of old, nor consider the thing of old, behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth: shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”—Isaiah 43:18-19

The Book of Ruth is a portrayal of a woman’s love, devotion and redemption that occurred during a time of extreme difficulty in the land.  Because of a famine, Elimelech, his wife, Namoi, and his two sons migrated from their homeland to the country of Moab.  While in the land, his sons married pagan women, Ruth and Orpah.  During their stay in the land of the Moabites, all of the men died.  When Naomi decided to return to her homeland, she told her daughters-in-law to return to their families.  Although both Orpah and Ruth loved their mother-in-law very much, only Ruth decided to remain with her.  Upon Naomi’s return to Bethlehem, the whole city was very excited to see her.  Because of the death of her husband and two sons, Naomi complained to the people that she thought that she had been treated unfairly by God.  Through a series of events God did a new thing in Naomi’s life, as well as, Ruth’s.  God gives Ruth a new husband, Boaz, a son, Obed, and a privileged position in the lineage of David and Christ (The Book of Ruth).     
Instead of focusing on yesterday’s problems, Ruth chose to focus on her today.  “Do not…” in our reference scripture is a direct command telling us not to remember the things of yesterday.   Do not remember the problems, the failures, the fears, the concerns, the disappointments, or the success.  Focus on today.  Many people that I minister to are held in bondage to the torments of the past, whatever it may be (losses of things, limits, abuses or anything that leaves a deep emotional wound).    Focusing on the former things keep people tied emotionally to their past.  Soul ties to the past can be broken; however, a new focus must be maintained to remain free.
Today make a decision to release those thoughts that have plagued you and that have tried to define who you are.  Let your decision release the label(s) that continually harass you and that shut you off from the fullness of joy, faith and excitement about your today.  God says that He is releasing a new thing in your life.  He is making a road just for you.  The GREAT I AM has promised to make a way for you and that rivers will flow in the desert of your life.  Take it now.
Prayer—Father I purpose in my heart not to think of my past failures, mistakes or even success, but today I choose to receive the new thing you are doing in my life.  Thank you for making the desert places in my life, to be flooded with your river, in Jesus Name. Amen.