“[One may hear God’s voice] in a dream, in a vision of
the night, when deep sleep falls on men…Then He opens the ears of men, and
seals their instruction…” –Job 33:14, 15
The Bible gives many accounts of
God speaking to men and women through dreams.
He has never stopped using this method of speaking to people; however,
the church has simply stopped listening.
Many people believe that their dreams are just a result of too much of
one-kind-of-food, or another; nevertheless, the Holy Spirit is reawakening the
body of Christ to one of God’s primary ways of communicating.
It may be helpful for you to
write down your dreams in detail and note any emotions that are felt, any
colors, time, location, etc. Ask the
Lord, then, what is He speaking to you. As
you wait upon the Lord, He will begin bring different things to your mind, and
what the different aspects of the dream contents could mean. Another tool that
is helpful is a good dream interpretation book.
Be prepared to listen when God
speaks to you through a dream with a clear message, and a specific purpose.
Prayer—Lord, speak to me in the night season and teach me your ways, in
Jesus Name. Amen.