“Therefore I remind you to stir up
the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me, His
prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the
power of God.”—2 Timothy 1:6-8
In our Scriptural reference, Paul is
saying, “I remind you to stir up the gift of God (eternal life). Take the task that God has given you
seriously. God has not given you a
spirit of fear—there are no timid spirit-filled believers. You have a sound mind, sound judgment, sound
control—you have self discipline. Your
ministry is according to the power of God; therefore, get the “knots” out of your “cans.” You are vital and important
in the Kingdom of God. The nations need
Your testimony of the Lord is
inspired by love. Your testimony is your
gospel—what you know—that is what your share.
You can begin to say, “Christ’s mind in me gives me the sound discipline
that gives to me sound judgment that gives to me the knowledge of whether I am
trusting in my emotions or in His leading.
I am called according to His purpose for my life.”
Jesus taught us that in taking heed—giving attention—we are to
ask the Heavenly Father to, “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone,
forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses”
(Mark 11:25). Dr. Daisy Osborn said,
“People and nations that have been hurt—injured very deeply become one of two
things: They either become much callused
and mean, or become very compassionate.”
Jesus explains in Luke 7:47 that to whom much is forgiven, the same love
much, “Therefore I say to
you, her sins, which are many,
are forgiven, for she loved much.” Forgiveness is conditional; to receive
God’s forgiveness we must forgive. The
only way that we can heal is through forgiveness.
I was in a church service in Tulsa,
Oklahoma February 26, 1988 when the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me: “Women will be released for duty, for
pursuit, for happy living as they forgive those who pursue after them. The evilness of this world that has attached
itself to their lives can only be turned back through My love and power that
will flow out of them and through them as they release My healing power through
Our heavenly Father has need of us
and He wants to release His fullness to us, but can not because we harbor unforgiveness. I encourage
you to take heed to your ministry, your life by forgiving.
today I repent of _________________and I ask You to forgive me, cleanse me,
make me new again as You promised in Your Word that if I confess my sins, You are
faithful and righteous to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me from all
unrighteousness. Thank You Lord that because
I am taking heed to my ministry You are releasing your power, love and sound
mind in me, in Jesus Name. Amen.