“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”—Matthew 6:24 
To compromise is to make concessions or accommodations for someone who does not agree with a prevalent set of standards or rules.   We, as believers, are susceptible to compromise; however we do not have to give in, regardless of the world’s concession to godlessness. 
To avoid compromise it is imperative to recognize that it is dangerous.  Once that first step of compromise is taken it leads to a downward progression, and ultimately we must face the consequences of our actions.  Former San Diego mayor, Maureen O’Conner, is a recent example of a person who progressed on the downward spiral of compromise.  It was reported that she became so addicted to gambling that she stole $2.1 million from her late husband’s charity.  Although she expressed regret about her actions, stating that she had never intended to steal, she still faces potential jail time as consequences to her actions.
We are tempted to compromise when others pressure us to take part in what we know God has forbidden.  It is easy to give in because we do not want to feel rejected.  But anyone who is committed to living a godly life must be willing to stand alone and face ridicule or even persecution, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12).
At other times we consent to activities that violate our conscience just to avoid conflict, but peace at any price means we have compromised to the obedience of God.
The temptation to compromise does not always originate with others; in fact, James 1:14 says that we are tempted when we are carried away by our own lusts.  Many Christians have fallen into sexual immorality or pornography by desiring a second look.  Greed is another motivation that drives us to compromise.  If you take a few things home from the office, you have stepped over the line of obedience to God and have compromised opening the door for a greater temptation next time.  Our choices should be based on scriptural truth, not on our feelings and desires.
In order to stand firm against compromise, we must make God’s Word the standard for our conduct.  If you begin each day with the Lord in His Word, He will guide your way.  Then when the Holy Spirit gives a warning, obey immediately, because giving consideration to the temptation opens the door for Satan.
The following is a good confession / prayer to make to avoid compromise:
“With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!”
(Psalm 119:10).  Today I receive the Word of God and treasure His commands within me.  I incline my ear to wisdom and apply my heart to understanding.  Lord, I ask and seek for discernment and understanding.  Thank You for Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Thank You for being my shield, guarding my paths and Your discretion preserving me, in Jesus Name.  Amen.