“You are of God little children
and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than He who is in
the world.”—1 John 4:4
Today you may be facing some problem
or difficulty which seems impossible.
However, I want to encourage you today that instead of talking about how
impossible it is, to look to the greater one who lives in you. Begin to say to the problem, you are not
bigger than God. There is nothing
greater, more powerful or smarter than God, in fact the Scripture says in
Isaiah 55: 8-9, “‘For My thoughts are not
your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the
earth, So are My ways higher than your ways.
And My thoughts than your thoughts.’”
Set a plumb line in your life, by
making a determination that God’s Word is true then all things in your life
must come into alignment with the plumb line.
You, then, speak those words of faith,
assurance and victory that align with what God’s Word says. For example, many years ago, I discovered Isaiah
55:13-14. I determined to make it a
plumb line in my life and regardless of how circumstances looked, how my
children acted or reacted did not have a bearing on by belief or my confession.
your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your
children. In righteousness you shall be
established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from
terror, for it shall not come near you.” Today, all of my children are born-again
spirit-filled believers who love God and are serving in His kingdom.
We have assurance of victory because Christ lives in us and it is He who
has gotten us the victory. No matter what we are facing or the answers
that we are seeking—when we stand in faith trusting God’s Word—victory
is ours.
I thank You that Jesus has defeated every foe and that there is nothing
impossible with You. I bring
_______________ before You today and I thank You that You have assured me victory
in every situation in my life because Your Word is the standard that I live by,
in Jesus Name. Amen.