Blessed is the man who listens to
me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting
at the posts of my doors”— Proverbs
In America, the season of winter has
set in. During this time in much of our
country, the cold north winds blow, ice and snow make driving and walking difficult. The long wait
for spring has begun. Perhaps you
are waiting an answer to prayer—for a
job, improved finances, better health, or the salvation of a loved one. Maybe you are anticipating the next step in
God’s plan for your life, or the strength to finally overcome some habitual
Whatever the case may be, as we look
forward to the changes in the landscape that spring time will bring around us,
it is a good time to also consider what seeds we have been sowing in our
lives. In our season of waiting, have we sown righteousness or
sin? Have we prepared to reap a harvest
of spiritual fruit or the weeds of compromise?
The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for
whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
For he who sows to his flesh, will of the flesh reap corruption, but he
who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:7-9). A man who had been sick with an infirmity
for thirty-eight years lay at a pool of water.
He was waiting for an angel
to stir the water hoping that one day he would be the first one to get into the
water and be healed, but every time someone else would get into the water first
because he had no one to help him. One
day Jesus saw him lying there and asked him a most important question, “Do you want to be made well?” The sick man replied I tried to get to
the water to be healed while the waters were being stirred, but each time
someone get’s their before me. Jesus
said to him, “Rise take up your bed and
walk.” The man was immediately healed.
(John 5:2-9). The waiting time for this man’s relief had
come to an end. A new season had begun in his life.
on God can seem like a long time, full of both temptations and blessings. During this time of waiting it is important to have eyes to see and ears to
hear how the Lord is leading you, as you trust Him for the future. Spend as much time as possible reading His
Word, in prayer and in fellowship with like-minded believers. Other like-minded believers can be a source
of encouragement and strength during your time of waiting. As you spend time
preparing your heart for the answer from your loving heavenly Father, make
changes in your life according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Word
of God. If you do, it will not be long
until you will experience the joy of a fully ripened fruit and the days of your
waiting will have come to and end.
I thank You that You are with me all of the time even in the darkest hour of my
life. I thank You that You never leave
me or forsake me. Lord, I ask you to strengthen
me during this time of waiting in my life and I ask You to show me any needed
changes that are needed, in Jesus Name.