“For the word of God is living and
powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division
of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart.”—Hebrews 4:12
Have you ever wondered why some
people get so excited about the Word of God?
There is a reason why it is the best selling book of all time. There has never been another collection of
writings like the Bible and there never will be. It is the Book of books—truth worth living by
and dying for.
No other writing contains the mind
of God and reveals the true path to salvation.
There are many other books that claim there are the many ways to
salvation, but only the Bible tells us that there is only one way—Jesus. The Bible’s doctrines are holy, and its
precepts are binding. This sacred Book
provides light to guide us, food to nourish, comfort to cheer our hearts, and
an anchor in the times of a storm. It is
the traveler’s map; the pilgrim’s walking staff, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s
So that people can know the Lord, Bible
translators living all over the world in distant village’s labor to translate
at least one book of the gospel into obscure languages. Countless pastors stand in pulpits all over
the world to proclaim the life—changing message of the Scripture.
Millions of lives are being
transformed daily by its timeless truth.
There is no single promise in God’s Word that He has ever failed to
keep. Scripture encourages’ us in times
of adversity. It gives us strength when
we feel weak. This is the Book that we can turn to again and again and be
reminded that our sins have been forgiven—and that no matter what happens; we
have a loving Father, a helper in the Holy Spirit, and a Savior in the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Celebrate the living Word of God by
turning to it regularly, humbling yourself and being eager to learn.
I thank You for Your Word. Help me to
remember that Your Word is a living thing that will affect my life, in Jesus
Name. Amen.